Alchemist Launches Exclusive SPRT Rewards for EcoFi

Oct 24, 2021
EcoFi and Alchemist team up to reward the community

EcoFi is excited to announce that our liquidity partner Alchemist has launched an ECO staking pool on their platform, with a 10x multiplier for 60k SPRT over the next 60 days.

SPRT is the native token driving value throughout all EcoFi NFT marketplaces backed by physical objects. Spend SPRT on physical NFTs and begin building your collection today at Hyp.Eco.

To reap these exclusive rewards, users will need to obtain a Crucible. Find minting instructions here, or visit OpenSea and purchase one off the secondary market.

Next, visit, connect your Web3 wallet, go to the Reward Programs section of the site, and click Subscribe under EcoFi.

Stake ECO in a Crucible and start earning today.

We will continue to bring exclusive partnerships that drive rewards to the EcoFi community. Get ECO at today and start earning your rewards now!

